We’ve collected a lot of pictures during our BrainSTEM lessons. Below are a few of our best.
Brain Dissections!
On the day we were to do sheep brain dissections, the power went out at KIPP Sunnyside. While this was initially a set back (we preferred to not work with sharp instruments in a dark room), we decided that we deserved some fresh air that day and moved the lab outside.
Sound and Music
Huge parts of the brain are dedicated to hearing and, therefore, music. Several of our mentors happen to be amateur musicians as well, so we brought in instruments for an impromptu jam session. Of course, we taught about how the brain processes sound, but several of the students taught us a thing or two about how to play.
Somatosensation (touch)
Touch is an under appreciated sense. We showed students scientists measure the sense of touch through experiments involving hot and cold water, as well as sensitivity of different parts of their body.
Wet Labs
Over the past year, we’ve incorporated several wet lab experiments into the curriculum. Here we see students making basic chemical measurements, making their own microscope slides, and learning about chemical diffusion.
We have so many more awesome pictures and video that defy categorization. Below are just a few that we think are awesome without any further explanation, and maybe even better that way.